必修二 Unit 5 Music(语法)




2、Can you find two sentences in the reading passage that contain of/in which

attributive clauses? Write them down.

①The musicians of whom the band was formed played jokes on each other as well

as played music.

②However, after a year or so in which they became more serious about their work…

3、Now the band is getting excited and sending messages to their fans but some of

the messages are getting mixed up. Can you sort them out?

A I remember

the day

a in which

1 “The Flowers”

became famous

①was lost while they

were touring.

B The guitar

b for whom

2 George gave many


②and we were so happy.

C The name

c with whom

3 Coco Li sang

③were very popular.

D The show

d when

4 they worked

④was very grateful.

E The singer

e with which

5 “The Beatles”

played their first


⑤was “The Monkees”.

F The musicians

f by which

6 the group was known

⑥was held by fan.





①This is the dictionary A/C/D I bought last week.

A that B who C which D /

②Is this the pen with B you often write?

A that B which C whom D /

③Is this the pen A/B/D you often write with?

A that B which C whom D /

④This is the place A/C/D I once visited.

A that B where C / D which

⑤This is the place B/C I once worked.

A that B where C in which D which


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