译林版选修一 Unit 2 The universal language

Welcome & Reading p. 15-19


1. p. 15 the universal language 通用语言,世界语言

2. exchange students 交换生

3. a classical musician 古典音乐家

4. make a profile of … 制作…的档案

5. musical instruments 乐器

6. a wide range of types 种类繁多

Musical instruments come in a wide range of types. 乐器种类繁多。

7. in the Tang Dynasty 在唐朝

8. (be) known as … = be referred to as … 被称为…

9. a blind erhu artist 一个盲人二胡艺术家

10. be famous for … 因为…而著名

11. performing techniques 表演技巧

12. in the early 18th century 在十八世纪早期

13. an Austrian composer奥地利作曲家

14. a Polish composer and pianist波兰作曲家和钢琴家

15. musical pieces 音乐作品

16. search online for … = search for … on the Internet 在网上搜寻…

17. p.16 A great way to learn about a new culture is through its music.

18. host countries东道国,主办国

19. watch a music performance live 现场观看音乐表演

20. understand culture through music 通过音乐了解文化

21. I hope everything is fine with you. 祝你万事如意。

22. a beautiful violin concerto composed by sb.

23. deserve to be heard 值得聆听/倾听

24. take me through the twists and turns of a classic story使我领略一个经典故事的曲折

25. tear sb. apart使 (关系亲密的人)分离,分开

26. whisper to sb. 向某人低语

27. force sb. to do sth. 强迫某人做某事

28. fall sick = fall ill 病倒,患病,生病

29. weep bitterly over the loss of … 因失去…痛哭流涕

30. (be) overcome with sorrow 悲痛欲绝

31. take a softer turn 柔和地一转

32. transform into … 变成…

33. combine A with / and B 结合了A与B

34. Western musical elements 西方音乐元素

35. be played on Western instruments 在西方乐器上演奏

36. more significantly = more importantly 更为重要的是

37. have its roots in … = take root in …= be rooted in … 根植于,扎根于…

38. All the best. 一切顺利,万事如意。

39. p. 17 host family 寄养家庭,东道主家庭

40. big fans of country music 乡村音乐的忠实粉丝

41. rely on sb. to do sth. 依靠某人做某事

42. introduce sb. to sth. 向某人介绍某物,使某人了解某物

43. keep asking sb. questions about sth.

44. all the time 一直;始终;总是

45. It turns out that –C. 原来,结果是,证明是…

46. right here in the south of … 就在…的南部

47. in the 1940s 在二十世纪四十年代

48. spread across the nation 遍布全国

49. grow out of … (grew-grown)产生于…; 改掉/戒除

50. folk music 民间音乐

51. The tunes are easy to sing.

52. leave sb. deep in thought 使某人陷入沉思

53. with plenty of humor thrown in 充满了幽默感

54. for good measure作为额外增添;另外

55. feel an emotional connection between A and B

56. Obviously I don’t know what it’s truly like to grow up in rural America.


57. beautiful natural images 美丽的自然画面

58. be suggestive of … 提示有/使想起/暗示…

59. Why don’t you try to listen to some great country music? = Why not try to listen to some great country music? 为什么不试着听听很棒的乡村音乐?

60. p. 19 an introduction to … …的介绍

61. have the power to do sth. 有能力/权力做某事

62. give the public more access to sth. 使公众更多地接触到…

give sb. access to sth. 让…接触…;接见; 允许进入

63. put on a series of free concerts 举办一系列免费音乐会

64. in different styles 以不同的风格;风格各异

65. the world’s best-known works世界最著名的作品

66. in the downtown square 在市中心广场上

67. at the concert 在音乐会上

68. be well received across the world 受到全世界的欢迎/好评

69. an adaptation of … …的改编

70. (be) led by the communist Party of China 在中国共产党地领导下

71. overcome the Japanese invaders 打败日本侵略者

72. consist of … 由…组成

73. in particular 特别,尤其

74. deserve a mention=deserve to be mentioned 值得一提

75. end with … 以…结束

76. on one’s own 独自地;靠自己地力量

77. music-related words 音乐相关词汇

78. people behind the scenes 幕后的人

79. enable sb. to do sth. 使某人能做某事

80. look at sth. in a new and different way 以一种新的、不同的方式看待某事


1. (种类繁多的) films were put on at the film festival.

2. I can’t believe such a little boy would do a thing like that (独自地).

3. The old man donated all his savings to local education, quite a few students (使…能上学).

4. My cousin is fond of reading all kinds of novels, science fiction (特别,尤其).

5. The project is designed children (使…更多地接受到) better education.

6. Does the referee (有权)send anyone who violates game rules off the field?

7. The job provides a company car and, (作为额外添加), free medical insurance.

8. (结果证明) the diligent student passed the examination with ease.

9. Our friendship (源自于) the summer camp we took part in in Tibet.

10. Her film launched at the Spring Festival (受到全国的好评).

1. a wide range of 2. on his own 3. enabling; to go to school 4. in particular 5. to give; more access to 6. have the power to 7. for good measure 8. It turned out that 9. grew out of 10. was well received across the country


1. I firmly believe in the power of technology (transform) lives.

2. He tried to run away but gave up when he found himself (surround).

3. A medical team (consist) of 3 doctors and 6 nurses was rushed to the accident spot.

4. The fund helps people to develop the skills (overcome) barriers to employment or education.

5. She stayed at home alone, (weep) all the time, which certainly was not helping.

6. Boys are usually curious to know what it is like (be) a pilot.

7. These days, we rely heavily on computers (organize) our work.

8. An explosion at a chemical plant has left one worker dead and four (injure).

9. With enough humor (throw) in, the newly-published novel is not just all serious.

10. He is the first person you can think of (rely) on, for he is always willing to help out whoever is in trouble.

答案:1. to transform 2. surrounded 3. consisting 4. to overcome 5. weeping 6. to be 7. to organize 8. injured 9. thrown 10. to rely

Grammar & Intergraded skills p. 20-24 重点词组句式整理


1. p. 20 in ancient China 在古代中国

2. fill in the table 填写表格

3. in China’s Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods 中国的春秋战国时期

4. a master of the qin 琴师

5. think highly of … 高度评价

6. mountain ranges 山脉

7. had intended to do sth. 本打算做某事

8. get tired of doing sth. 对做某事感到厌倦;对做某事厌烦

9. share sth. with sb. 与某人分享某物

10. go their separate ways 分手;分道扬镳;

11. show up 出现,露面;(使)变清晰;(使)变明显;使难堪/尴尬/丢脸

fail to show up 没能露面

12. be overcome with sorrow 悲痛欲绝,不胜悲伤

13. be gone 走了;遗失了;过世了;(希望等)破灭了

14. It’s no use/good doing sth. 做某事是没用的。

15. p.21 give it one’s best shot尽力做好;尽力而为

16. be meant for sth. 注定…= be meant to be …; 针对…

17. choose … from …从…挑选…

18. be capable of doing sth. = be able to do sth. 能够做某事

19. represent mankind 代表人类

20. one answer to this question 问题的一个答案

21. send sth. out 把…发射/发送出去

22. explore the solar system 探索太阳系

23. be intended as a universal language 意在作为一种通用语言

24. get down to doing sth. 开始做某事,开始认真注意(或对待)某事

25. have trouble/difficulty (in) doing sth./with sth. =do sth with difficulty 做某事有麻烦

26. in the end 最后,最终

27. It took about 40 years for the Voyager spacecraft to enter the space between the stars.


28. a larger audience 更多的观众

29. Holding music festivals will give the public more chances to appreciate traditional Chinese music. 举办音乐节会让公众有更多机会欣赏中国传统音乐。

30. p.22 be broadcast for the first time 被第一次广播/播放

31. on the radio 在广播中,通过广播

32. every other week = every two weeks = every second week 每隔一周

33. take part (in …) 参与/参加(…)

34. get in touch with sb. 与某人取得联系

35. p. 23 get ready for …. 为…作准备

36. the radio presenter 电台主持人

37. play the latest single 播放/演奏最新单曲

38. run down the stairs 冲下楼梯

39. get nearer to … 靠近…

40. in a state of … 处于…的状态

41. turn up the volume 增大音量,调高音量

42. stare at … 凝视,瞪着看

43. hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸,闭气

44. uncover the beauty of the song 揭开这首歌的美

45. can’t wait to do sth. 迫不及待地要做某事

46. again and again 一次又一次地

47. a force for change 促进变革地力量,变革地推动力

48. explode onto the music stage 引爆音乐现场

49. grab the attention of sb. 引起某人的注意

50. be swept along on waves of joyous rock and roll music被欢快的摇滚乐的浪潮席卷

sweep along/away 使深受影响,使醉心

51. Whenever I listen to “She Loves You” , I am instantly taken back to my teenage years.


52. (be) decorated with … 装饰有,装饰着

53. at the top of my voice 以最大的声音,声嘶力竭

54. accompany sb. throughout one’s life 陪伴某人终身

55. look to the future with expectation 满怀期待地展望未来

56. reflect on/upon … 反思,考虑;回想

57. with quiet satisfaction 心满意足地

58. p. 24 a memorable time = an unforgettable time 难忘的时光

59. ask for further information 询问更多的信息;要求提供进一步信息

60. a little bit more 再多一点点

61. an unforgettable memory related to sth./sb. 与…有关地难忘的记忆

62. express positive feelings 表达积极的情感

63. get rid of negative feelings 摆脱消极情绪


1. He is determined that he’s going to (认真学习) English from this term on.

2. The serious pollution of the river finally (引起…的注意) the government.

3. He played so well that everyone enjoyed listening to his music and his techniques.

4. The nationwide smog serves as a constant reminder, indicating that it’s high time we ourselves.

5. Physical beauty must (伴随着) an attraction to something deeper within a person.

6. The people nearby are (处于…的状态) panic when they heard that the volcano will probably erupt in the coming days.

7. The new drug (意在作为) an additional weapon to get rid of the measles.

8. “There is a thief in the house,”she shouted (声嘶力竭地).

9. A terrible earthquake hit the area last night, causing many homeless people who (正依赖/指望着)the government for help.

10. On Christmas Eve, it was very festive everywhere and every house (装饰着) lanterns.

 答案:1. get down to studying/learning 2. grabbed the attention of 3. thought highly of句意:他弹得很好,大家都喜欢听他的音乐对他的技巧评价很高。 4. reflected on/upon句意:遍布全国的雾霾不断地提醒着我们到了自我反思的时候了。5. be accompanied by 句意:外在美一定伴有一个人的内在魅力。 6. in a state of句意:听说火山可能在未来几天爆发, 附近的人都很恐慌。7. is intended as 8. at the top of her voice 9. are looking to 10. was decorated with


People are concerned about the air quality they breathe. 人们很担心他们所呼吸的空气的质量。

1. Some TV shows, such as Sing!China, (intend) find good singers.

2. The poet was lying on the grass, (reflect) on what had happened that day.

3. We had intended (arrive) at our destination at 9 o’clock, but we didn’t because of the traffic jam.

4. I didn’t have a good command of English, so I had some difficulty (fit) in very soon.

5. It’s no use (argue) with him, for he won’t change his mind.

6. As he’s got the first place in the English contest, John can’t wait (tell) his mother the good news.

7. The little girl soon got tired of (play) the same game every day.

8. Upon getting to the office, the manager got down to (deal) with all sorts of affairs.

9. An accident happened at the corner of the street, resulting in 2 men (he, leave) the dinner party early made everyone feel very disappointed. (kill).

10. (he, leave) the dinner party early made everyone feel very disappointed.

答案:1, are intended to 2. reflecting 3. to arrive 4. fitting 5. arguing 6. to tell 7. playing 8. Dealing 9. being killed 10. His leaving/ His having left

Extended Reading & Project (p. 25-28) 重点词组句式整理


1. p. 25 a remarkable life 在非凡的人生中

2. a crowd of music lovers 一群音乐爱好者

3. stream into a theatre 涌进剧院

4. hear the first-ever performance of sb.聆听某人的首次演出

5. break into enthusiastic cheers 爆发出热烈的欢呼

6. be almost completely deaf 几乎完全失聪

7. at this point of one’s life 在人生的这一刻

8. be unaware of sth. 没有意识到…

9. turn around (使)转身; (使)好转; 改变意见; 使变得完全不同

turn sb. around 使某人转过身来

10. a sea of people 人山人海

11. express one’s appreciation of one’s masterwork 对某人的杰作表示赞赏

12. in a vast body of works 在大量的作品中

13. a gifted child 天才儿童 be gifted for sth. 有做…的天赋

14. push sb. to study music day and night 敦促某人夜以继日地学习音乐

15. not long after 不久之后

16. enjoy a reputation as … 享有…的盛名

17. By the time he was a teenager, he had enjoyed a reputation as a wonderful young musician.


18. important figures 重要人物

19. make predictions about one’s extraordinary future预测某人的非凡未来

20. take a sharp turn 急转,急转弯

21. in one’s late twenties 在某人二十好几时,in one’s early twenties在某人二十刚出头时

22. one of the worst possible twists for sb. 对某人而言最糟糕的转折点之一

23. lose one’s hearing 丧失听力

24. at first 一开始,期初

25. keep sth. a secret 保守秘密

26. p. 26 in the greatest perfection 完美至极

27. even in one’s darkest moments 即使在最黑暗的时刻

28. abandon hope 放弃希望

29. be determined to do sth. 下定决心做某事

30. find a way to continue living a life full of music想办法继续生活在充满音乐的生活中

31. use a variety of hearing aids 使用各种助听器

32. increase the amount of …增加…的数量

33. take in 吸收;理解,领会;收留,收容;欺骗

34. It became increasingly difficult for him to perform in public. 对他来说,在公共场合表演变得越来越困难。

35. Since that day, Beethoven’s Symphony No.9 has become one of the most famous and treasured pieces in the history of classical music. 自从那天起,贝多芬的第九交响乐就成了古典音乐史上最著名和最珍贵的作品之一。

36. all of a sudden 突然

37. break into an energetic theme 进入一个充满活力的主题

38. course through the music通过音乐流淌而出

39. be full of desperate lows and uplifting highs 充满绝望的低谷和上升的高潮

40. a strong will 坚强的意志

41. with ease 轻松地,容易地,不费力地

42. show one’s genius as a composer 展现出作曲家的天赋

43. aged 56 56岁(常作定语)

44. be regarded as one of the most remarkable musician who ever lived


45. in time order 按时间顺序

46. go back /return to the past 回到过去

47. p. 27 take on the role of … 担任…的角色

48. have a strong beat and a catchy chorus有一个强有力的节奏和朗朗上口的合唱

49. an uplifting message about… 关于…的令人振奋的信息

50. work hard towards one’s goals为自己的目标而努力工作

51. p. 28 strengthen their love for each other through music通过音乐加强他们对彼此的爱

52. this long-lasting classic film 这部经久不衰的经典电影

53. find out more about this touching story了解更多关于这个感人的故事

54. reveal a lifelike impression of sb. 展现逼真的…印象

55. despite all one’s sufferings 尽管有这一切的痛苦

56. emerge as a conqueror以征服者的姿态出现

57. learn more about the talented musician学到更多关于这位天才音乐家的信息


1. He (因…闻名)being funny and pleasant to be around.

2. Before making any decision, consult your family (更多了解)the activities concerned.

3. I feel honored to have been able to (担当这个角色).

4. Apple’s Mac (被普遍认为) more secure than a Windows PC.

5. Having made good preparations for the interview, Jack answered all the questions (轻易地).

6. The spirit of World Population Day will motivate us (为我们共同地目标努力工作).

7. (突然), I saw a silver sports car making way for us to get through and guide all the traffic.

8. I listened to a lecture yesterday, but I could not (理解) everything the speaker said.

9. Without your timely warning, we would have (意识不到) the danger.

10. None of them knew about the plan because it (还是一个秘密).

答案:1. had a reputation for 2. to find out more about 3. take on this role 4. is widely regarded as 5. with great ease 6. to work hard towards our shared goal 7. All of a sudden 8. take in 9. been unaware of 10. was kept a secret


1. Grandma does all her own shopping and cooking — I have never seen a more independent (age) person.

2. As you may recall, we had a long yet (uplift) coming-of-age ceremony last week.

3. Someone (upset) the photographs I laid out so carefully, which makes me quite angry.

4. The government (determine) to pay more attention to environmental protection.

5. The patient didn’t respond to the drug, which made it difficult for him (recover) in a short time.

6. By the time we (get) to the cinema, the film (be) on for half an hour.

7. When (ask) about what she thought of the movie, she just said it was worth seeing a second time.

8. I could feel the gentle wind coming from the coast while (watch) the brilliant sunset.

9. You’d better make it a routine to get your kitchen (clean) after each meal.

10. (strength) Japan’s diplomatic influence across the world, Abe (安倍) tried to seek a greater role for his country in international affairs since he took office.

答案:1. aged 2. uplifting 3. has upset有人弄乱了我精心布置的照片,这让我非常生气。 4. is determined 5. to cover 6. got; had been 7. asked 8. watching 9. cleaned 10. To strengthen


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