译林版必修二 Unit 3 Festivals and customs


1. belong to属于

2. a travel journal一则旅行日记

3. a traveler’s experiences一位旅行者的经历

4. promote traditional Chinese festivals推广/弘扬传统的中国文化

5. a feature article一篇专题文章

6. on the Chinese New Year’s Eve在大年三十晚上; 在除夕晚上

7. make PPT slides about制作关于……的PPT

8. celebrate庆祝; celebrate sth.(指通过举办活动来庆祝) congratulate sb. on sth.指口头上用言辞表示祝贺。

9. make a wish for the future对未来许个愿

10. last 3 days持续三天

11. remember loved ones who are no longer alive记住那些已经不在人世的亲人

12. be similar to=be like= be almost the same as与……类似;与……相像

13. share one’s experiences of doing sth. 与……分享……的经历/体验

14. attend an Indian wedding参加一场印度婚礼

15. a wedding ceremony一场结婚庆典

16. invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人……

17. the opportunity of a lifetime难得的机会;一生只能有一次的机会

18. definitely not wrong=surely right 绝对正确的

19. take place发生;举办;召开

20. decorate…with用……来装饰;; be decorated with…; brightly decorated装饰华丽的; 装饰得五彩缤纷的

21. dress sb./oneself up; be dressed up; be well dressed; be dressed in; dress well

22. formal clothes正式的服装

23. eye-catching引人注目的;吸引人的

24. be wearing= have on= be in= be dressed in 穿着(强调状态,后面接“衣服”)

25. make a deep impression on sb. = impress sb. deeply/greatly/a lot/much给某人留下党旗

26. entrance入口; enter 进入 make one’s entrance into/to sp.进入到……

27. lead sb. through the rows of seats to sb./sp. 带领某人穿过一排排的座位,来到……的面前

28. proudly自豪地—be proud of=take pride in 以……为荣;为……感到自豪

29. remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事remind sb. to do sth.提醒某人做……;remind sb. that…提醒某人……; be a reminder of sth. to sb. 对某人来说,是一个……的提醒:

Unfortunately, this is to him no less a reminder of his powerlessness at home.

30. anything but 决不;根本不

31. join hands 牵手

32. make a promise about 作出关于……的承诺be full of promise= be promising= be hopeful=be full of hope充满希望;有前途的

33. romance罗曼史; romantic浪漫的

34. It’s time for sb. to do sth; It’s high time that sb. did sth. = It’s high time that sb. should do sth. 是……该做……的时候了

35. have two left feet 不擅长;笨手笨脚地=be not good at= be poor at; be bad at

36. get off the flight=get off the plane 下飞机

37. No wonder that= It’s no wonder that…=It’s quite natural that= Naturally, ………是不足为奇的;……是自然的事儿

38. take a week off (for this happy occasion) 休假一周来参加这个快乐的盛会

39. in the air 在空中;悬而未决;在流传中;弥漫着……

40. experience the spirit of 体验……的精神

41. for oneself= in person= personally 亲自;本人

42. just/right in time for正好赶上

43. be about to do …when… = be on the point/edge of doing …when…正要……,这时……

44. take one’s place in …= take one’s seat in… 在……中找到自己的位置,就位,入座,入席;取代某人/某物= replace; take the place of

45. in fancy costumes穿着华丽的服装

46. an explosion of 一阵;……的爆发

47. jump into action迅速行动起来

48. twist and turn 转折;扭动

49. current水流,潮流,气流;人流;人潮

50. the ever-growing sea of people

51. line…沿……形成行(或列、排); be lined with……的两旁林立着……

52. wave after wave of street stands一波又一波的街头摊点

53. be caught up in the party fever沉溺于聚会的狂热中; be caught up in a fight/war/trade conflict被卷入一场争斗/战争/贸易冲突中

54. fly by飞过;飞逝

55. hardly = almost no/not几乎不

56. lie in bed躺在床上

57. put…in the correct order把……按正确顺序排列; put…in order整理;检修;好好安排put one’s life back in order使某人的生活重新走上正轨

58. an annual tomato fight festival一年一度的番茄大战节

59. a sense of excitement in the air空气中弥漫着一种兴奋的感觉

60. make one’s entrance= enter进入 entry  n. 进入;入口;条目;登记;报关手续

61. throw…at…把……砸向……(目的是“攻击”); throw…to…把……扔给……(目的是“给”)

62. take the opportunity to do sth.抓住做……的机会

63. join in this crazy festival参加这个狂欢节

64. leave a deep impression on sb.给某人留下深刻的印象

65. stay away from远离;离……远点

66. Australia澳大利亚–Australian澳大利亚的;澳大利亚人; Italy意大利–Italian 意大利人/语;意大利的 Egypt埃及–Egyptian埃及人(的) Sweden瑞典–Swedish瑞典人;瑞典语;瑞典的;Greece希腊—Greek希腊语/人;希腊的

67. the method of contrast对比的手法

68. highlight  v. 突出;强调;使显著;加亮; n. 最精彩的部分;最重要的事情;


1. There were hundreds of guests, all dressed up in formal, colourful clothes(Page 30, lines 4-5)

*“all dressed up in formal, colorful clothes”为独立主格结构的一种,all为逻辑主语,dressed up in formal colourful clothes为过去分词短语,合起来充当状语,表示方式与伴随。再如:

Weather permitting, we will pay a visit to your grandparents as soon as possible.

Their work done, the engineers decided to dinner out at once as they were so hungry.

The writer passed away, his masterpiece left unfinished.

*there be句型中be动词可以用一般现在时、一般过去时、将来时和完成时;there be句型是一个倒装句。如果后面有几个并列主语时,be动词的形式当和最靠近它的那个主语一致; there be句型中的谓语动词不唯be,还可以是exist, live, stand, lie, 等;there be 句型常考句型还有:

*There is (no/little/some/much/…) possibility of doing sth./ that…做……是(没)有(多大)可能的

*There is (no) difficulty/trouble in doing/ with sth.做……(不)费劲; 做……(不)困难

*There is no need (for sb.) to do sth.没有必要做……

*There is (no/little) point/sense in doing sth.做……是(没)有意义的.

*There is no doubt that…= No doubt that………是毫无疑问的

2. The summer heat hit me as soon as I got off the flight. (Page 31, line 32)


The floods hit the village in the depth of the night, killing a lot of people and animals.

Government officials hit the disaster-affected area in the shortest time.

Temperatures this winter is said to be likely to hit the lowest degrees Celsius during the past 60 years.

3. as连接词,引导时间状语从句,意为:当……的时候(强调两个动作同时进行或者存在)

*Iceboxes of soft drinks and beer lined the narrow streets, and the smell of roasted meat filled the air as we passed wave after wave of street stands. (P31)(as当……的时候)

*Luckily, I arrived just in time—the show was about to begin as I took my place in the merry crowd.( P31) (as当……的时候)

*Even as I lay in bed that evening, the bright colours and lively music were still swimming all around me. (P31)(as当……的时候)


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