译林版必修二 Unit 2 Be sporty, be healthy


1.talk to sb. about problems with…与某人谈论……方面的问题


3.the present continuous and present perfect tenses现在进行时和现在完成时

4. get fit健身;塑型;让身体变健康

5.announce sth. to sb.; make an announcement of sth. to sb.向某人宣布某事

6.be open to the public对公众开放

7. facility设施

8. enlarge放大;扩大

9. than ever before比以往更……

10.put finishing touches to sth.完成最后的工作;收尾工作;最后的修整工作

11.workout rooms锻炼房

12.update…with modern equipment给……更新了现代化的设备

13. check out检验;结账离开;状况

14. fitness courses健身课程

15. choose from从……中选择

16.in response to作为对……的应对; respond to对……作出反应

17. replace …with…用……来替换……; be replaced with被……所取代

18.find more details about…发现/看到关于……的更多的细节/更加详细的内容

19. so that引导目的状语从句,相当于in order that, 此时,从句中常含有情态动词。如: Better still, we will update our fitness courses every few months so that more popular courses can be included.

20.add..to…往……里添加……; add to增加; 加剧……,如:

Please add some sugar to the milk. His illness added to the poor family’s difficulty.


22.be confident that…; be confident about/in…; be full of confidence in (doing) sth.=have confidence in (doing) sth.对(做)……满有信心

23.have something for everyone适合所有的人;每个人都会有收获

24.a new community sports centre一个新的社区体育中心

25.make an exercise plan制定锻炼计划

26.test sb. on his knowledge of…检测某人在……方面的知识



29.put…in place把安置到位;使……就绪 be in place到位;准备好了

30.people of all ages各个年龄段的人

31.try out试验;偿试;考验

32.a boxing champion一个拳击冠军

33.patient and professional耐心而敬业的

34.at the end of在……结束的时候;在……的尽头

35.sweat all over 满身是汗;浑身出汗

36.despite=in spite of尽管;虽然(后面跟名词,代词或者相当于名词的短语或者从句)

37.need doing = need to be done需要完成

38.in the near future在不久的将来

39.prepare for为……做准备=make preparations for= get ready/prepared for

40.agree for sth.同意…… agree to do sth.同意做……

41.have a bad/poor memory记忆力不好

42.have sleep problems有睡眠问题

43.feel tired at night感到夜间疲劳

44.be good to sb.善待某人;对某人好 be good for=do good to对……有益;be good at =be expert at/in在……很擅长/拿手

45.do aerobic exercise 做有氧运动

46.strengthen one’s immune system增强人的免疫系统

47.help you concentrate帮助你注意力集中

48.do well in …在……方面干得好 Well done!干得漂亮;干得好!=A good job!

49.feel a bit under the weather不舒服

50.be not oneself= be beside oneself不舒服; 身体有恙

51.offer sb. advice on sth. = give sb. advice on sth. = advise sb. on sth.就某事给某人建议

52.to be honest enough=honestly speaking老实地说; 坦诚地讲

53.make exercise a regular part of one’s life让锻炼成为生活中有规律的一部分

54.fit exercise into one’s busy schedule在繁忙的日程中安排锻炼

55.after-school activities课后活动

56.hang out with sb. 与某人出去闲逛

57.simply have no time for exercise= have no time for exercise at all根本没有时间锻炼

58.It’s not just about the time, though. I’m also concerned about money不过,不仅仅是时间的问题,我还担心钱的问题。

59.be concerned about sth.= be worried about对……担心

60.afford (to do) sth. = have the ability/money/time to do sh.有能(财)力或者时间去……

61.sign up for报名参加

62.I don’t think I’d be able to work out in the gym.

63.last but not least最后但同样重要的是

64.stick with an exercise routine坚持锻炼

65.imagine doing sth.想像做……

66.pretty=quite; very; 很;十分;非常

67.day after day一天又一天; day by day一天天地;渐渐地

68.not necessarily未必;不见得;不一定

69.encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人……

70.show one’s understanding of表示了某人对……的理解

71.offer encouragement=encourage给予鼓励

72.a mind map or a flow chart一个思维导图或者流程图

73.draft草稿; 草图

74.convincing= persuasive有说服力的;

75.proper language得体的语言


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