译林版必修三 Unit 1 Nature in the balance


do harm to..对…造成伤害

cut down砍倒;削减,缩小(尺寸、 数量或数目)

cut down trees砍树

sound the alarm发出警报

natural wonder自然奇观

documentary script纪录片脚本

a wide range of..各种各样的…

judging from/by…根据…判断

natural treasure大自然珍宝

a sea of大量的,大片的

alive with充满,到处都是(活的或动的东西)

play a significant role/part in…在……中起着重要的 作用,在……中扮演重要角色

maintain the fine balance of…保持…的微妙平衡

with an area of…面积为…

more than超过;很,非常

in length在长度上

provide sth. for…为…提供某物

a variety of各种各样的

a system of roots 根系

tree root树根

living things生物

close to extinction近乎灭绝

food chain 食物链

feed on…以…为食

in turn相应地,转而

an army of..一大批…

break down使分解

be poor in nutrients 缺少养分

cattle farming养牛

be known as…被称作…

breathe life into…给……带来起色,注入活力

agricultural land农田

treasure house n.宝库,宝地

have an impact on..对…有影响

go away离开;消失

for one thing…, for another (thing)….首先……,再者…

on (the) one hand …, on the other (hand)….意为”一方面……,另一方面…

a hot/mild/warm/wet climate 炎热的/温和的/温暖的/潮湿的气候

build up (使)逐渐增加,(使)扩大

take in在此意为“吸收”。

make comparisons between..and…在…与……之间作比较

leave out省略;遗漏;排除;忽视

global warming全球变暖

a global tour环球旅行

greenhouse gases温室气体

leading experts最杰出的专家

come up with creative ideas想出有 创意的点子

come up with想出,想到

call for (公开)要求;需要

a job application求职申请

a letter of application求职信

an application form申请表

a travel/holiday brochure旅游/度假手册

make a brochure制作小册子

had planned to do sth.本打算做某事(却未做)

make every effort to do sth.竭尽全力做某事

keep away from..远离…

be devoted to…专心于/致力于…;热衷于……(to为介词,后跟动词时要用其 v-ing形式)

What if..在此意为”要是……将会怎么样/如果……怎么办”。

at the entrance to在……的入口

stop sb. (from) doing sth.阻止某人做某事

clean up打扫(或清除)干净

sign up (for sth.)报名(参加课程)

divide… into..将……分成……

spring to mind突然记起(或想到)

have the greatest impact on.. 对……有最大的影响

have an indirect impact on…对…有间接的影响

have damaging effects/influence on…对……有破坏性的影响

animal habitat动物栖息地

light pollution n. [U]光污染(人工照明造成)

natural habitat天然栖息地

far from远离……;远非…

protected areas 保护区

endangered animals濒危动物

well-planned adj.详尽规划过的

well-managed adj.管理有方的,管理得好的

take action to do sth.采取行动做某事(= take measures to do sth.)

at risk有危险;冒风险

be of great importance (= be greatly important)非常重要

call on sb. to do sth.号召某人做某事

local resident当地居民

senior manager高级经理

heavy industry factories重工业工厂

outdoor activities户外活动

any more (不)再

get rid of摆脱,丢弃,扔掉

protest against sth.反对某事物

tend to倾向于;往往会

make huge profits获得巨额利润


be eager to do sth.渴望做某事

in defence of..为…作解释或辩护

be deeply concerned about..很关切……;很 担心……

point out指出

take various measures采取各种各样的措施

production process生产过程

economic benefits经济效益

economic development经济发展

on the rise在增加,在上涨

achieve a balance (between…and…)实现(……和…之间 的)平衡

search for…寻找…

draw one’s attention to…使某人注意……

speak for sb.代(或代表)某人讲话

make policies制定政策

the bike-sharing system共享单车系统

live in poverty生活于贫困之中

lift people out of poverty帮助人们摆脱贫困

advance economic growth促进经济增长

It’s one’s duty to do sth.做某事是某人的责任。

the history of mankind人类历史

interact with…与…交流

large amounts of大量,许多

66.water sources水源

the chemical industry 化学工业

chemical experiment化学实验

get mixed up with…和…混合

make eye contact with…与…眼神交流

have a long-lasting effect on…对…有长期影响

aim for..力求达到……,力争做到……

give rise to使发生(或存在)

work hand in hand携手合作

development strategies发展策略

take the subway乘地铁

further education继续教育

inspire sb. to do sth. 激励某人做某事

pass laws通过法律

volunteer to do sth. 自愿做某事

take part in 参与

put much effort into…付出很大努力于……

20 years from now 20年后


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