译林版必修一 Unit 1 Back to school


1. potential n./adj. 潜力;潜在的→potentially adv.潜在地

2. senior adj./ n.级别高的;老年的→(反义词) junior adj./ n. 级别低的;青少年的

3. challenge n./vt.挑战;质疑→challenging adj.挑战性的;考验能力的;挑起争论的

4. positive adj./n.积极乐观的;正面的;阳性的;正极的;优势;优点→(反义词)negative adj.消极的;否定的;阴性的→neutral adj.中性的,中立的

5. opportunity n.机会,时机→(复数)opportunities→(同义词)chance

6. acquire vt.获得→acquisition n. → require vt. 需要;要求inquire/enquire vt. 查询,询问

7. advance n.进步,进展;前进,行进vt.& vi.发展,进步→advanced adj.高级的,先进的

8. amazing adj.令人大为惊奇的,令人惊喜的→amaze vt. →amazed adj.感到惊叹的→amazement n.惊奇

9. confidence n. 信心,信任→confident adj.自信的;有把握的→confidently adv. 自信地

10. resource n.资源;资料;谋略→source n. 来源;出处

11. equal adj./ n./ vt→ equality n.平等;均等;相等

12.improve vt.&vi.改进,改善→improveme nt n.改进,改善→ prove v. 证明;证实

13. responsible adj.有责任;可靠的→responsibility n责任,职责;义务

14. independent adj.自主的,有主见的;自立的→independence n.独立;自主→independently adv.独立地;自主地;自力地→depend vi. 依靠;依赖→ dependent adj. 依靠的;从属的→ dependence n. 依靠;依赖

15. detail n. →detailed adj. 详细的

16. technique /tek?ni?k/ n. 技巧;技艺;技能→technical adj. 工艺的,科技的;技术上的;专门的→technology n. 技术

17. professional adj.职业的,专业的;n.专门人员,专业人士→profession n. 职业;专业→professionally adv.→amateur adj.业余的(反义词)

18. contribution n. 贡献;捐款;捐赠→ contributor n.贡献者;投稿者;捐助者→contribute vt.捐赠;贡献;投稿

19. fortunately adv. →fortune n. 财富;命运;运气→fortunate adj. 幸运的;吉利的→misfortune n. 不幸→unfortunate adj. 不幸的→unfortunately adv.不幸地

20. option n. →optional adj. 可选择的,随意的→optionally adv.随意地→compulsory adj. 义务的;必修的;被强制的


1. a time of learning and discovering 一个学习和发现的时期

2. so far 到目前为止

3. be different from…和… 不一样

4. realize one’s potential挖掘某人的潜能

5. senior high school 高中

6. a promising future 一个有前途的未来

7. can’t wait to do sth迫不及待做某事

8. lead to 导致;通向

9. a world full of challenges 一个充满挑战的世界

10. a positive mind 积极的思想

11. lie in 存在;在于

12. rise to 能够处理

13. have the opportunity to do sth 有机会做某事

14. acquire great knowledge 获得大量的知识

15. natural ability 本能

16. medical advances医学进步

17. have confidence in对…有信心

18. make a difference起作用,有影响

19. make the most of充分利用,尽情享受

20. take advantage of利用

21. take an active part in different sports积极参加不同的体育活动

22. be of equal importance同样重要

23. a positive attitude一个积极的态度

24. set clear goals设立明确的目标

25. balance A with B平衡A和B

26. make efforts to do sth努力做某事

27. last but not least最后但同样重要

28. look on the bright side对事物抱有乐观的态度

29. in difficult situations在困难的情况下

30. a well-rounded individual一个全面发展的个人

31. develop one’s character培养某人的性格

32. be responsible for 对… 负责

33. topic sentence主题句

34. school resources学校资源

35. keep sb interested保持某人的兴趣

36. in the years ahead在未来的岁月里

37. look forward to doing sth期待做某事

38. improve communication skills提高交流技能

39 add… to…把… 添加到…中

40. leave out省去;遗漏;不予考虑

41. pay attention to…注意

42. fill in/out 填写

43. live a(n)…life 过着。。。。的生活

44. develop/form good habits 养成良好的习惯

45. manage your time 合理安排你的时间

46. as a result of 由于

47. come true 实现(不用于被动语态)

48. work out 制定;想出;解决;计算;进展顺利;锻炼

49. refer to 指代;涉及;查阅;提到

50. the long-term goal 长期目标the short-term goal 短期目标

51. remind sb. of 使某人想起。。。

52. stick to 坚持;固守;维持

53. in the end 最后,终于

54. pay off 成功,带来好的结果;还清(债务等)

55. put…in the correct order 按照。。。的正确顺序排列

56. set up a meeting 安排一次会议

57. sign up for 报名参加

58. hold workshops 组织研讨会

59. give talks on… 作关于。。。的报告

60. put up 张贴

61. call for 需要;要求

62. aim to do/be intended to do 目的是,旨在

63. in terms of 就。。。而言,在。。。方面

64. give comments on/upon…就。。。发表评论

65. move around 四处走动

66. put together 组织,组装;汇集

67. not much of a/an… 不是很好,不怎么样

68. over time=as time goes on/by 随着时间流逝

69. have no option but to do…除了做某事别无选择

70. move on to…开始做(别的事),换话题

71. lay out 布置,安排

72. put on 上演;播放


1. Study without thinking leads to confusion; thinking without study ends in puzzlement.


2. I can’t wait to describe to you what senior high school life is like.


3. When you rise to t he challenges, you will have the opportunity to acquire great knowledge and enjoy personal growth.


4. Put simply, potential is your nature ability that can be developed when you try hard enough.


5. The possibilities are endless, and I have confidence in your ability to make a difference to your family, to your community and to our country.


6. To fully realize your potential,it is important for you to make the most of our school resources.


7. Of equal importance are good study habits, useful skills and a positive attitude.


8. Carefully plan your study,set clear goals and balance your schoolwork with other activities. 仔细安排你的学习,设定明确的目标,平衡你的学业和其他活动。

9. In time you will find yourself growing into a well-rounded individual.


10. As a senior high school student, you must make efforts to improve your communication and problem-solving skills.


11. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


12. You need to make a continuous effort to train your mind and develop your character.


13. Senior high school will help you learn and grow, yet you alone are responsible for realizing your great potential.


14. This will remind you of wha t you are working for and keep you focused.


15. As a result of your action,your dream will come true and hopefully you will live a happy life.


16. I found Maths quite easy and enjoyable because the material was less advanced in the UK than in China.


17. Class discussion is very important in the UK, but I could not make much of a contribution because sometimes I wasn’t able to express myself clearly in English.


18. The one that attracted me most was the Rugby Club.


19. I like it so much that I still use it as my alarm!



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