北师大版必修三 Unit 7 ART

1.persuade vt.说服

to cause sb. to do sth .by reasoning or arguing. 


 (1)persuade sb. 说服某人 

persuade sb. of sth. 使某人相信 

persuade sb. into doing sth. 说服某人干某事 

persuade sb. to do sth. 说服某人干某事 

persuade sb. out of doing sth. 说服某人不干某事 

He persuaded all the world-famous pop stars to come and sing at one of these concerts.


It’s difficult to persuade him to do that. He persuaded her into going with him. 他说服了她跟他一起去。

(2)persuade sb. that……使某人相信…… 

I persuaded him that he was mistaken. 我说服了他,使他相信他是错的。 

辨析:advise 与persuade 

advise sb. to do sth. 

相当于try to persuade sb. to do sth.,意为“劝说,建议某人做某事”,但不一定说服对方。


She advised him to give up smoking, but he wouldn’t listen. 

2.presenvt. 讲演,演示

to give information about sth.

The English teacher asked two of us to present a five-minute dialogue in English.

(1)present /’prezent/ adj. 出席的,到场的;现在的,目前的。(作定语或表语)

present— presence n.

(2)present n.目前,现在;礼物;赠品。如:

Writers of history books often attempt to link the past with the present. 写历史书的人总是力图把过去与现在联系起来。 The children were delighted with the presents.

(3)vt. 送给,赠与,呈交

The children presented flowers to the teachers.

(4)vt. 提出(论点,看法)

He presented his view and then sat down. 短语:

be present 出席的,在场的 be absent 缺席,不在场


be present in 存在于

at the present 当前,目前

in the presence of 在……在场的情况下

present sth. to sb. 把某物赠送给某人,向某人呈送某物

present sb. with sth. 把某物赠送给某人注意:


present 作形容词“在场的,出席的”讲时,作定语置于被修饰的名词之前,而present作形容词“现在的,目前的”讲时,作定语置于被修饰的名词之前,如:

What’s the number of the people present at the meeting? He is pleased with this present job.

3.intelligence n. 智力,理解力

the ability or talent to learn and understand.

There are schools specially built for children with low intelligence.


intelligent adj. 有才智的,理解力强的;

intelligently adv. 聪明地,理解力强地

IQ: intelligence quotient 智商

His intelligence quotient is very high.

4.frightening adj. 令人惊恐的,骇人的

making people feel fear. Children are not allowed to see frightening films.


frighten vt.,意为“使惊恐,使害怕”, The noise frightened the baby. frightening与frightened

frightening adj.“令人惊恐的,骇人的”;

frightened adj.“受惊吓的,恐惧的”。


Seeing the frightening snake, the little girl was much frightened. 看到这条吓人的蛇,这位小姑娘非常害怕。

5. spirit 精神

a person’s mind or feelings as distinct from his body soul. The hardship didn’t break the man’s spirit. spirit的常见搭配

in high spirit/mood 情绪高涨; in low spirit/mood 情绪低落对比:spirit与soul


6. sailor

n.水手,海员 a person who works on a boat. The sailor in the white uniform is waving to me.



7. voyage n. vt. 航海,航空

a long trip by sea or air; travel by boat propelled by wind or by other means. He went on a voyage around the world. They voyaged across the Indian Ocean. They made a voyage across the Atlantic. voyage


go on a voyage出航,出国旅行;

make/take a voyage出去航海;

an international voyage国际航行;

a long/ round voyage长途航行;往返航程;

a sea/an ocean voyage 航海;

a passage voyage 航渡

辨析: voyage, journey, travel, tour与trip


如: He went on a voyage round the world.


如:They decided to take a train journey.


如: He came home after years of foreign travel.


如: They are on a wedding tour.


如:I enjoyed our trip to the seaside.

8. further adv. 更远,较远; 进一步

at or to a greater distance in space or time to a greater degree or extent. Their misunderstanding was further complicated by the event. 这事更加深了他们的误会。 further的常见短语:

further to 再加,又及;

go further进一步地说、



The village is about two miles farther/further on. 再向前约两英里就是那个村庄。

We will study this matter further. 我们会再深入的研究这个问题。


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