北师大版必修一 Unit 3 CELEBRATIONS

1.occasion n.重要的社交活动;时刻;时候

on one occasion 有一次

on that occasion那时;在那种情况下

on occasion偶尔

occasional adj.偶尔的;不经常的;特殊场合的

occasionally adv.偶然地;偶尔;有时

2.congratulation n.恭喜;祝贺

congratulation n.祝贺,恭贺(常用复数形式)

congratulations(to sb)on sth祝贺(某人)某事

congratulate sb on sth祝贺某人某事

congratulate oneself on(doing)sth庆幸自己(做)某事

3.come to an end 结束

bring an end to sth=bring sth to an end使……结束

put an end to sth结束,消除

come to an end结束

in the end最终,终于

end in以……告终,最后的结果是……

end up with以……结束

4.let off 使某物爆炸

let out放出;泄露

let sb down使某人失望

let in让……进来,放进

let alone更不用说,更谈不上


5.put up修建;举起;提供膳宿;张贴

put up with容忍,忍受

put off推迟,延期

put down写下,记下;放下

put away把……收拾起来;把钱、物等储存起来

put on穿上;打开;增加(体重等);假装;采纳

6.account n.描述,报道

account for说明(原因等);做出解释;占……(比例)

on account of由于,因为

on any account无论如何

on no account绝不

take account of/take…into account=take…into consideration 考虑……

7.sweep away 扫除,清除

sweep over涌上……心头,使……难以抑制

sweep up清扫

8.attach vt.贴;固定;附上

attach sth to…把某物连接到/固定在/附在……上

attach importance/significance to…重视;认为……重要/有意义/有价值


be attached to…被连接到……;爱慕……

an attached school附属学校

9.scare sb/sth away把……吓跑

scared adj.惊恐的,担惊受怕的

be scared to death吓得要命

scare vt.使某人受惊;惊吓 n.恐慌;惊恐

scare sb away/off把某人吓跑/吓退

scare sb into doing sth恐吓某人做某事

10.surround vt.环绕;围绕

surround sb/sth with…使……包围某人/某物

be surrounded by/with…被……包围/环绕


surrounding adj.周围的,附近的

surroundings n.周围的事物;环境;气氛

11.as far as 就……而言;远到

as long as和……一样长;只要

as soon as一……就

as well as和……一样好;和,同

12.in general 普遍地;大体上,一般来说

in general=generally=generally speaking

in short总之;简而言之

in brief简单地说

in public当众

in vain徒劳

13.look ahead向前看;考虑未来

look about在(某处)或(某人)周围观望;在(某处)寻找

look away/turn one’s eyes away from (sth/sb) 不再看(某人或某物)

look into 浏览;调查(查找)

look over仔细检查(审视)(某人或某物)

14.take turns轮流做某事

by turns轮流地;交替地

in turn依次,轮流地

take a turn for the better(worse) 好转/ 恶化

15.move in搬来(和某人)一起居住

move about(around) 不停地走动;到处旅行,到处活动

move on (使)走开,继续前进,继续进行,往前走

16.patience n.耐心;耐力

with patience=patiently耐心地

patient adj.耐心的 n.病人

17.behaviour n.行为;举止

good/bad behaviour良好/恶劣行为

behave vt.& vi.表现,举止;守规矩;举止适当有礼

behave well/badly (towards)(对……)表现好/不好

behave oneself表现得体,有礼貌

18.whisper vi.& vt.低声说,低语

whisper to sb与某人耳语

in a whisper=in whispers低语

It is/was whispered that…有传言说……

19.catch sb’s eye吸引某人的注意;遇到某人的目光

have an eye for对……有鉴别能力

turn a blind eye对……故意视而不见;对……假装不见

keep an eye on照看;留意;密切注视

20.pass away去世

pass by通过,从旁边经过

pass down传下来,流传,使世代相传,一代一代传下去

pass on (to sb)转交给(某人),传给(某人)

pass out失去知觉,昏厥

pass through穿过,越过


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