1.prefer vt.更喜欢

prefer sth/doing sth更喜欢(做)某事

prefer (sb) to do sth宁愿(某人)做某事

prefer (doing)A to (doing)B宁愿(做)A而不愿(做)B

prefer to do A rather than do B宁愿做A而不愿做B

prefer that…should do sth宁愿做某事

have a preference for偏爱

give preference to给……以优惠、优待

in preference to优先于……

preferable adj.更可取的,更好的,更合意的

2.rather than 而不是

prefer to do sth rather than do sth (宁愿做…而不愿做…)

would do sth rather than do sth (宁愿做…而不愿做…)

would rather do sth than do sth (宁愿做…而不愿做…)

3.balanced adj.均衡的;平衡的

balanced diet均衡饮食

balance n.平衡;天平 vt.权衡;(使)平衡

on balance总的来说

lose one’s balance失去平衡

keep one’s balance=keep the balance of保持平衡

4.try out for sth参加选拔;争取成为(团队的一员)

try out试用,试验

try for试图获得或赢得某物

try sth on试穿衣物

try one’s best尽力

try one’s luck试试运气

5.desire n.愿望,欲望,渴望 v.渴望,期望

a desire for sth渴望得到某物

have a desire to do/that…有……的欲望/愿望

desire to do sth渴望做某事

desire sb to do sth想让某人做某事

desire that sb (should+)动词原形 希望/要求某人做……

6.let sb down 使失望,辜负(别人的信任或期望)

let alone更不用说

let go (of)放开,松手

let off宽恕,免除

let out放掉,发出

7.pay off 取得成功;奏效;还清(债务);有回报

pay back偿还,归还;报答;回报;报复

pay for付……的钱,受……的报应

pay up(把应支付的钱)缴清,付清

8.keep up with 跟上,保持同步

keep at sth坚持做某事

keep sb from doing sth阻止某人做某事

keep back忍住,隐瞒;抑制

keep off避开,防止,挡住

keep out of使不进入……

keep up保持,继续

9.crowd n.人群;群众

a crowd of一群,一伙

crowd v.挤满;涌入

crowd in on sb涌上某人心头

crowd into(想法、问题等)涌入脑海,挤进

crowd upon one’s mind涌上某人心头


crowded adj.拥挤的

be crowded with挤满了……

10.defence n.防守队员,后卫

in defence (of…) 为了保卫(……)

defend vt.保护;保卫;为……辩护


11.remind vt.使(某人)想起,提醒

remind sb提醒某人

remind sb to do sth提醒某人做某事

remind sb of sb/sth使某人想起某人/某物

remind sb that…提醒某人……

reminder n.起提醒作用的东西

12.case n.状况,场合;事例,实例

in case (that)假使;以防万一

in case of…假如发生……;万一发生……

in any case无论如何,总之

in this/that case假使这样/那样的话

as is often the case这是常有的事

13.sign up报名

sign in/out签到/签退

sign sth over to sb签字转让

sign up to sth签订;签署同意

sign up to do sth同意参与

14.occupy vt.占用,占去(时间)

be occupied in doing sth/with sth忙于做某事

occupy oneself with sth/in doing sth忙于某事;专心于某事

keep sb occupied使某人忙碌

occupation n.占用;职业

15.disappointment n.失望;扫兴;沮丧

disappointed adj.失望的,沮丧的

be disappointed at/about/by 对…感到失望

be disappointed to do 对…感到失望

be disappointed that 对…感到失望

disappoint vt.令……失望

disappointing adj.令人失望的,令人沮丧的

disappointment n.[U]失望,沮丧;[C]令人失望的人/事

to one’s (great) disappointment令某人(非常)失望的是

16.cheer up(使)高兴起来,(使)振作起来

cheer sb on以喝彩声鼓励;为某人加油

cheer for为……而欢呼

cheering adj.令某人高兴的

cheerful adj.快乐的,高兴的

cheerfully adv.欢快地;愉悦地

17.be fed up with厌烦的,不满的,无法再忍受的

feed sb up 给(某人)额外食物使其更健康

feed back反应;反馈

feed sb/sth(on sth)给(人或动物)食物;喂养

feed sth to sb/sth喂……给……;把某物传给某人

feed on sth=live on sth(动物)以……为食;靠……活

18.particular n.尤其,特别 adj.特定的

particular adj.特殊的;特别的;挑剔的

be particular about sth对……讲究/挑剔

be particular to do sth特地做某事

in particular=particularly尤其;特别;格外

19.benefit n.好处,益处

for the benefit of=for one’s benefit为了……的利益

be of benefit to有益于;对……有好处

have the benefit of得益于

benefit sb/sth使某人或某物受益

benefit from/by…从……中受益/获益

beneficial adj.有利的;有益的;受益的

be beneficial to(=be of benefit to…)对……有益;对……有利

20.equipment n.设备,装备

equip sb for sth使有所准备;使有能力


be equipped with(配)备;安装

21.prevent vt.预防阻止,阻挡

prevent/stop/keep…from doing sth阻止……做某事


keep…doing sth使……一直做某事


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