北师大版必修一 Unit 1 LIFE CHOICES

1.stress n.压力;忧虑;紧张 vt.强调;加强

(1)lay/place/put stress on sth

=stress sth 强调某事物;给某物压力

under the stress of… 在……压力下;为……所迫

be under stress 处于压力之下

put sb under great stress 使某人感到沉重的压力

(2)stress the importance of… 强调……的重要性

2.challenge n.挑战;具有挑战性的事物 vt.向……挑战

(1)challenge sb to sth 向某人挑战,和某人比试

challenge sb to do sth 挑战某人做某事

(2)accept a challenge 应战

face an challenge 面临挑战

give a challenge 挑战

3.differ v.相异; 有区别; 不同于

differ from… 与……不同/有区别

differ in… 在……方面不同

differ with sb on/about/over sth 与某人在某事上持不同(看法)

→ different adj.不同的

be different from… 与……不同

→ difference n.不同,差别

make a difference (to…)(对……)有作用或影响

make no difference (to…)(对……)没有影响

tell the difference between A and B 指出A与B的不同

4.ahead of schedule 提前

on schedule 准时;按时间表

be scheduled for 预定;安排

be scheduled to do… 预定做…

5.in expectation 期望着;意料之中

have expectations of (对……) 抱有期望

beyond expectation/out of expectation 出乎意料

→ expect v.期待

expect sth (from sb) 期望(从某人处)得到某物

expect to do sth 期待做某事

expect sb to do sth 期待某人做某事

expect too much of sb 对某人期望过高

6.confident adj.对……有信心

be confident about/of (doing) sth 对(做)某事有把握

be confident that… 确信;肯定;自信

→ have confidence in… 对……有信心

with confidence 肯定地;有把握地

→ confidently adv.自信地

7.recover from… 从……恢复

recover one’s costs 收回成本

recover oneself 清醒过来

→ recovery n.恢复健康,复原;重获,复得

make a full recovery 完全康复

8.vary v.呈现不同

vary in sth 在某方面不同

vary with sth 随……而变化

vary between…and… 由……到……情况不等

vary from…to… 改变,变动,变化

→ variety n.变化;种类;多样性

a variety of…

=varieties of… 许多;各种各样的

9.convenience n.方便;便利;便利的事物

at one’s convenience 在某人方便时

for convenience 为方便起见

for the convenience of… 为了方便……

→ if convenient 如果方便的话

It is convenient for sb to do… 对某人来说做某事很方便


(1)convenient作表语时,不能用表示人的名词或代词作主语,多用于It is convenient for sb to do…这一句型中。


10.at a time 一次;同时;一下子;每次

at all times 不论什么时候,总是

at any time 随时;无论何时

at no time 永不,在任何时候都不

at one time (过去)有个时期;曾经,一度

in no time 立即,马上

11.addict v.使沉溺;使成瘾

addict oneself to… 沉溺于……

→ be/become addicted to… 对……有瘾;热衷于……

→ addiction n.入迷;上瘾

→ addictive adj.上瘾的

12.tend to do sth 常常会做某事;倾向于做某事

tend to/towards sth 趋向……;倾向……

tend (to) sb/sth

(=look after sb/sth) 照顾……;护理……

→ tendency n.倾向;偏好

have a tendency to do sth 倾向于做某事

13.take aim (at) (向……)瞄准

with the aim of… 以……为目标;意在……

achieve one’s aim 达到目标

→ aim at sb/sth 瞄准某人/某物

aim at doing sth

=aim to do sth 力求做某事

be aimed at (doing) sth 旨在……;目的在于……

14.in the distance在远处

at a distance稍远处;隔一段距离

keep one’s distance from…

=keep…at a distance与……保持距离

→ distant adj.遥远的;疏远的

be distant from… 离……遥远

15.get in 收获

get across (使)通过;(使)理解

get through 通过;度过;完成;接通(电话)

get to 到达

get behind 落在后面

get over 恢复;克服

get about 四处走动;(消息等)传开

get into 进入;陷入;养成(习惯);对……感兴趣

16.suffer from/for/with… 受……的苦;遭受……(痛苦)

suffer hunger 挨饿

→ sufferer n.受苦者;受难者

→ suffering n.痛苦;苦难;折磨

17.reduce from+起点 从……降低,减少

reduce to+终点 减少到……

reduce by+程度 减少了……

be reduced to doing sth 沦落为……

18.to be frank

=frankly speaking 坦率地说

generally speaking 一般来说

strictly speaking 严格地说

honestly speaking

=to be honest 说实话

19.be due to sb 应付给某人

be due for… 应得到……

be due to do sth 预计做某事

20.keep one’s word 遵守诺言

break one’s word/promise 违背诺言;食言

eat one’s words 收回所说的话

get in a word 插话

in a/one word 总之

have a word with sb 与某人谈一谈

have words with sb 和某人吵架

word came that… 消息说…


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