
1.appoint v. 任命,委任

2.dismiss v. 解雇

3.hire vt. 雇用;租用

4.recommend vt. 推荐

5.promote v. 晋升;促进

6.undertake vt. 承担;从事

7.train vt. 培训;训练

8.easy­going adj. 随和的

9. well­-paid adj. 薪水高的

10.vacant adj. 空缺的

11.skilled adj. 熟练的;有技能的

12.certificate n. 证书

13.outspoken adj. 直言的,坦诚的

14.part­-time adj. 兼职的

15.competent adj. 能胜任的

16.diligent adj. 勤奋的

17.awarding adj. 有回报的

18.considerate adj. 考虑周到的

19.responsibility n. 责任,负责

20.welfare n. 幸福;福利

21.salary n. 工资;薪水

22.income n. 收入;所得

23.unemployment n. 失业


1.apply for 申请

2.voluntary work 志愿者工作

3.devote a bit of one’s time to… 为……抽出一点时间

4.show kindness 表达善意

5.working experience 工作经验

6.be qualified/fit for 适合,胜任

7.take on 雇用;承担

8.graduate from 毕业于

9.get/be promoted 获得晋升

10.have a talent for… 有……才能

11.have a good command of 精通;通晓

12.organisational ability 组织能力

13.communication skills 交流技能

14.have an advantage over… 比……有优势

15.make preparations for… 为……做准备

16.get along well with… 与……相处得好


1.And I am writing to apply for being a volunteer of our school English association.


2.I’d be very grateful if you could take some time to go through my resume and make necessary changes.


3.I have written my application letter and my resume, which are enclosed in the attachment.



1.Anyone who wants to apply for the job must meet the following requirements.


2.I’d appreciate it if you would offer me the golden opportunity I’m always longing for. I’m looking forward to your early reply.



①participant n. 参与者

②accountant n. 会计

③assistant n. 助手

④applicant n. 申请者

⑤contestant n. 参赛选手

⑥immigrant n. 移民


①justify vt.&vi. 为……辩护;证明合法

②beautify vt. 美化

③clarify vt. 澄清;阐明

④identify vt. 确定;鉴别

⑤classify vt. 分类

⑥simplify vt. 简化

be+adj.+about 短语小结

①be passionate about 对……热爱

②be enthusiastic about 对……热爱

③be curious about 对……好奇

④be positive about 对……积极

⑤be anxious about 对……焦虑

⑥be particular about 对……挑剔

“come to” 短语荟萃

①come to a conclusion 得出结论

②come to an agreement 达成一致

③come to life 苏醒过来

④come to light 真相大白

⑤come to sb’s rescue 营救某人

⑥when it comes to… 当提及……


1debt n.债务;借款


The company announced a series of measures to raise cash and reduce debt.


(1)be in heavy debt 负债累累

(2)get out of debt 摆脱债务

(3)get into debt 负债

(4)pay off one’s debts 还清某人的债务



①in disguise  伪装

②in shock 震惊

③in debt 负债,欠账

④in sight 能看到,在视线之内

⑤in surprise 吃惊地

⑥in danger 处于危险当中

⑦in trouble 处于困境中

2participant n.参与者;参加者


One popular test asks the participants to grade their preferences for a variety of work tasks.


(1)participate vi. 参加;参与

participate with sb. in sth. 同某人一起参与某事

participate in (doing) sth. 参与做某事

take part in

join in 参加……

(2)participation n. 参与;分担;共享


低频表达:I am going to join in the English speech contest to be held in July this year.

高频表达:I am going to participate in the English speech contest to be held in July this year.


As far as I’m concerned,it will also help you fit in with your classmates if you participate in a variety of after-­school activities.我认为,如果你能参加各种各样的课外活动,这有助于你融入你的同学之中。

3dedicate vt.……奉献给


Teachers are so concerned with achievement and “teaching to the test” that they have little time to dedicate to “exploratory learning”, the report said.


(1)dedicate…to… 把……奉献给; 把……专注于

dedicate oneself/one’s life to 致力于;献身于

(2)dedicated adj. 专注的;献身的

be dedicated to 专心于;致力于

(3)dedication n. 献身;奉献


表示 “专心于;致力于” 的短语还有:

put one’s heart into sth.

be devoted to sth.

be lost/buried in sth.

be absorbed in sth.

focus/concentrate one’s attention on sth.


As young people search for meaning in their lives, their minds are often open to all possible choices about what to believe, how to live, and what, if anything, to dedicate themselves to.


4accuse vt.控告;控诉;谴责


There was a huge debate about whether the reporter should be accused of spying on the star couple.对于是否要控告这名记者监视这对明星夫妇有一场激烈争论。

(1)accuse sb.of (doing) sth.=charge sb.with (doing) sth. 因(做)某事指控某人

(2)the accused/accuser 被告/原告

(3)accusation n. 控告;控诉;指控



①inform sb. of sth. 告知某人某事

②warn sb. of sth. 警告某人某事

③cure sb. of sth. 治好某人某病

④remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事

⑤suspect sb. of sth. 怀疑某人……

⑥rob sb. of sth. 抢劫某人某物

⑦convince sb. of sth. 使某人相信……

⑧accuse sb. of sth. 指控某人……


Have you ever had a case where someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick?

你们有没有过这样的情况: 别人控告你们的记者, 说他/她们的报道失实呢?

5attend vt.出席;参加;照顾;护理 ;vi.专心;留意


We are building a team of keen young people to help us attend to hundreds of students from all over the world.


(1)attend a meeting/lecture/wedding/class


(2)attend on/upon sb. 伺候某人;照顾某人

attend to 处理;倾听;专心于;照顾

(3)attendant n. 服务员;随员,陪从

attendee n. 出席者;在场者

(4)attendance n. 出席;到场;考勤


Knowing that you show great interest in Chinese culture,I’d like to invite you to attend the exhibition with me.


6come to a conclusion 得出结论


So I come to a conclusion that if you want a great career, you need to commit yourself to something meaningful.


(1)arrive at/come to/draw/reach a conclusion得出结论

(2)in conclusion 最后;总之

(3)to conclude 总之


“总之” 结构大集合

in conclusion to sum up in summary to summarize

all in all in general

on the whole generally speaking


In conclusion, people around the world should be aware of the real situation of water shortage,protect the present water resources and explore potential (潜在的) ones scientifically.


7be meant for……而准备


However, it is important to remember that they are only meant for guidance.


be meant/designed/prepared for sth. 为……而准备

mean to do sth. 打算做某事

mean doing… 意味着……

by this means 通过这种方法

by means of 用……办法;借助……

by all means 一定,务必;当然可以

by no means 决不,一点也不(位于句首时,句子用部分倒装)

a means of communication 一种通讯/交流工具



This is because your career is a very important part of who you are.(P50)



because 除了可以引导原因状语从句以外,还可以引导表语从句,主句中系动词要用be动词,用于强调原因,一般译为“这是……的原因”



This is because… 这是因为……(强调原因)

The reason why…is that… ……的原因是……

This is why… 这就是……的原因(强调结果)

9wish 的宾语从句


I wish I had thought more about what I really wanted to be. (课本P50)












I wish (that)I were a bird and could fly freely in the sky.


When you phoned me, I was having a meeting;how I wish I had answered your call.





Secondly, if I were you, I would take a walk in the evening with my friends.


If I were you,I would certainly make good use of the time to improve my performance at school and prepare myself well for the future.



I wish (that) I had met that film star yesterday.


(3)if only型虚拟语气,要是……就好了;但愿……

If only I could go back and reset my goals.



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