
1. abuse n/vt 滥用;虐待;辱骂
《1》酗酒:alcohol abuse
《2》人身攻击personal abuse
《3》滥用权力:abuse one’s authority/office/power/position

2. dominate vt/vi 支配;控制;占有优势— domination n. 支配,统治
《1》控制感情: dominate the passions
《2》左右形势,主导局势; dominate the situation
The Acropolis dominate the city of Athens which is a wonderful view.

3. reward n 回报;奖励;报酬 vt 奖励、奖赏—- rewarding 值得的、有益的、有意义的
《1》作为对、、、的奖赏: as a reward for
《2》作为对、、、的报答; in reward for
《3》因某事而给某人报酬give/offer reward to sb for sth
《4》不要求报酬: ask for no reward
《5》授奖: confer a reward
《6》因某事而给某人奖赏: reward sb for sth
Anyone providing information which leads to the recovery of the painting will be rewarded .
《8》Travelling along the old Silk Road is an interesting and rewarding (reward) experience.

4. rely 依靠、依赖、信赖 —-reliable adj 可信赖的。可靠的
《1》依靠、依赖,指望: rely on /depend on
《2》依靠某人提供某物: rely on sb for sth
《3》指望、相信某人会做某事: rely on sb to do sth
《4》依赖、信任、指望做某事: rely on/upon sth
《5》相信、指望、、、rely on it that /depend on it that
You can rely on it that Peter would like to accept the suggestion.

5. negative adj. 消极的;有害的;否定的—positive adj积极的
《1》否定的态度: a negative attitude
《2》对、、、有消极的影响: have a negative effect
《3》变得消极;become negative
All in all, the whole experience from doing part-time jobs was definitely more positive than negative.

6. discipline n 自制力;纪律;学科 vt 自我约束;自我控制;处罚
《1》遵守纪律;Keep / observe discipline
《2》严格的校规: strict school discipline
When the teacher disciplines the new students at the beginning of the new term, everyone shows perfect discipline.

7. delete v. 删去;删除—- deletion n 删除
《1》把某物从另一物中删除: delete sth from sth
《2》删除最后一段: delete the last paragraph
《3》You should delete messages ___from____ your mailbox when they are no longer needed.

8. compose vt/vi 组成;作曲;撰写—composer n. 作曲者;作曲家– composition n 部分;(音乐、艺术、诗歌的)作品;作文
《1》写信、讲稿、诗歌: compose a letter/speech/ poem
《2》由、、、组成(构成)的: be composed of
Mozart composed a large number of very fine operas, which earned him a great reputation.
The medical rescue team is said to be composed of two experts and eleven medical workers.

9. disturb vt 打扰;扰乱;使烦恼– disturbed烦恼的– disturbing 引起烦恼的;令人不安的
《1》对、、、感到忧虑be disturbed by/ about/at
《2》做某事感到不安be disturbed to do sth
《3》对、、、感到不安: be disturbed that
I hate to disturb you , but I have to tell you something important.

10. skip vt. 跳过;不参加;悄悄溜走 vi 跳绳 n 蹦跳
《1》去跳绳go skipping
《2》略过;遗漏skip over
《3》欢跳:skip for joy
《4》跳读,浏览skip through
《5》溜走、匆匆离开 skip off
His heart seemed to have skipped a beat when he saw how high up he was.

11. stimulate vt. 促进;激发;刺激— stimulation n 刺激
《1》刺激某人做某事: stimulate sb to do sth
《3》刺激生长: stimulate growth
《4》刺激需求: stimulate demand
《4》激发某人在某方面的兴趣: stimulate one’s interest in
The new book exhibition in shanghai has stimulated people’s interest.

12. refresh vt 使恢复体力,使凉爽;刷新
《1》使火再旺refresh a fire
《2》使某人想起。唤起某人的回忆refresh sb’s memory
《3》使恢复精力;清醒头脑refresh oneself
《4》刷新文件refresh the document
At last we got lost, so I looked at the map to refresh my memory of the road to the destination.

13. absorb vt 吸引全部注意力;吸收
《1》集中注意力于: be absorbed in
《2》从、、吸收、、absorb… from…
《3》完全吸收: absorb completely
《4》吸引某人的注意力: absorb one’s attention
The clever boy absorbed all the knowledge that his teacher could give him.

1. in response to 回答、答复
《1》对、、、没做回应make no response to
《2》对、、、积极回应: make a positive response to
The sales department made the changes in response to demands from our customers.

2. straight away 立即,马上
《1》开门见山: come/get straight to the point
《2》对某人说实话: be straight with sb
《3》直直地看着我: look straight at me
《4》照直走: walk straight
《5》坐直. 直立;sit up/stand straight
You may not get a response straight away, but if your employer sees that you are serious about making a change, you’ve at least built a starting point.

3. decide on 决定、选定
《1》决定做某事: decide on doing sth
《2》决定离开: decide on leaving
《3》决定到国外去;decide on going abroad
《4》决定目标: decide on a target
《5》已经决定: it was decided that
If the answer is“yes”, that we must decide on an appropriate course of action.

4. stressed out 焦虑不安;心力交瘁
《1》强调;lay stress on
My good friend has been stressed out about her oral exam so I offer my advice to help her.

5. worn out 筋疲力尽的;疲惫的
《1》使人疲惫不堪: wear sb out
《2》逐渐减弱、渐渐消失: wear off
《3》花光、用尽: run out/run out of
The children, all of whom had played the whole day long, were worn out.

1. as 引导状语从句和非限制性定语从句
As teenagers grow up, they become more independent and start making their own decisions.
As the Chinese philosopher Lao Zi wrote,“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
《3》随着妇女外出工作变得普遍, 男人开始分担家务劳动。
As it became common for women to work outside the house, men began to share the housework..
He is from the south, as we can see from his accent.

2. 状语从句的省略
《1》如果任其发展,在他们长大成人之后, 这些不良习惯可能会导致更为严重的有害习惯。
These bad habits, if left unchecked, could lead to more serious ones when they become adults.
When completed, the museum will be open to the public next year.

3. neither…nor…既不…也不…
Neither too much nor too little is good.
Neither my wife nor I myself was able to persuade my daughter to change her mind and finally she joined in the game.

4. whenever 引导时间状语从句
Whenever I went out with friends, I brought snacks from home. Things that didn’t have any added sugar : fruit, nuts, dried meat, etc.
《2》每当我来到这里的时候, 经常会发现他在埋头工作。
He was often found buried in his work whenever I came here.


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