新必修二 Unit 3 THE INTERNET



1. 阅读词汇——明确含义,易混词,重点词

1. stream  vt. 流播;流出vi.流动 n.小河;溪流

2. cash   n. 现金;金钱

3. update  vi. 更新;向…提供最新信息n.更新;最新消息

4. database  n. 数据库;资料库

5. software  n. 软件

6. charity  n. 慈善;慈善机构(或组织

7. conference n. 会议;研讨会;正式会谈

8. resident  n. 居民;(美国的)住院医生adj.(在某地)居住的

9. battery  n. 电池

10. discount  n. 折扣vt.打折

11. target   n. 目标;对象;靶子vt.把…作为攻击目标

12. upset  adj. 心烦的;苦憶的;沮丧的vt.( upset,upset)使烦恼;使生气;搅乱

13. tip   n. 忠告;诀窍;实用的提示

2. 推展词汇—灵活运用

1.blog  (n.) 博客  vt.写博客

blogger (n). 博客作者,博主

2. engine   (n.) 引撃;发动机;火车头

engineer (n). 工程师

engineering (n). 工程,工程学

3.identity  (n.) 身份,个性 

identify (v)确定,鉴定,识别,辨认出

4. convenient  (adj.) 方便的,便利的 

convenience (n). 便利,方便

5. surf   (v)冲浪,浏览 


6. access  (n.) 通道;(使用、查阅、接近或面见的)机会 (vt).进入;使用;获取

accessible (adj). 易接近的;可进入的;可理解的

7. function  (n.) 功能;作用;机能 (vi.)起作用;正常工作;运转 

functional (adj.) 功能的

8.confirm (v). 确认,事确信

confirmation (n). 确认,证实,证明

9.privacy (n). 隐私,私密

private( adj). 私有的,私人的,私立的 privately( adv).

10.particular (adj.). 特定的,特别的,讲究的

 particularly (adv). 异乎寻常地;特别是;明确地

11.embarrassing (adj). 让人难堪(尴尬;害羞)的

embarrassed (adj.) adj. 尴尬的;窘迫的

embarrassment (n). 尴尬,窘迫

embarrass (v). 使尴尬,使窘迫

12.guideline  (n). 准则,指导原则

guide (n.) 指南,向导 (v)引导,带领

13.stuck (adj.)卡住,陷于,困于  

stick (v). 刺,戳;伸出;粘贴, 坚持;伸出;粘住 (n.) 棍,手杖

14.rude (adj) 粗鲁的,无礼的 

rudeness (n). 无礼,野蛮

15. press (v). 按,压,敦促 (n)报刊杂志;印刷机;新闻界出版社;拥挤的人群

16.tough  (adj.) 艰难的;严厉 

toughness (n). 韧性;强健;有粘性

3. 重点词汇——用法归纳

1. chat (vi).  聊天,闲聊

chat with/to sb. 和某人闲聊   

chat about sth/sb. 闲聊某事/某人

2. stuck (adj.)卡住,陷于,困于

stuck on sth. 被难住,答不上来  

stuck for sth, 不知所措,为某事犯愁

3. benefit   ( n.) 益处  (vt.)使受益   (vi) 得益于

benefit from (doing) sth. 从某事中获益  

benefit sb./sth. 对某人或某事有益

be of benefit 有益处  

for the benefit of 为了..的利益或好处

have the benefit of  得益于,占…的光

4. inspire (v). 鼓舞,激励,启发思考    

inspiration (n.) 灵感;鼓舞;妙计

inspire sb. to do sth. 鼓舞某人干某事

inspire sb. with sth, 使产生(感觉或情感)

5. account (n.) 账户,描述 (v). 解释,导致,认为,把…视为

account for sth. 是…的原因

6. familiar (adj.) 熟悉,熟知

be familiar with sth. 通晓。熟悉  

be familiar to sb, 熟悉的,常见到的

7. define  (v). 给…下定义,界定

define sth. as sth. 给…下定义

8. case (n).盒,箱,情况,案件 (v)包围;把…装于容器中

in case of 如果,假使  

in case 以防  

in that case 既然那样

9. distance (n). 距离  

distant (adj). 远的

in distance  遥远


1. blog post   博文;博客帖子

2. search engine  (互联网上的) 搜索引擎

3. identity card  身份证

4. keep sb company 陪伴某人

5. go through  经历;度过;通读

6. in shape   状况良好

7. keep track of  掌握…的最新消息;了解…的动态

8. make fun of  取笑;戏弄

9. keep(… ) in mind 牢记

10. wait in line  排队

11. social networks    社交网络

12. out of work  失业

13. pay for   支付

14. apply for   申请

15. take online classes  上网课

16. have access to  使用;接近;可以利用

17. go through tough times 度过艰难时期

18. keep track of  追踪

19. make a fitness plan 制定健康计划

20. bank account  银行账户

21. stir up 激起,煽动,搅拌


1. 长难句

1. She realized that one of the greatest benefits of the Internet was its ability to remove the distance that usually exists between people.


第一个that 引导宾语从句, to do 表示目的,第二个that引导定语从句,修饰distance

2. She believes that it is highly important to bridge the digital divide and make sure that everyone has access to the Internet and knows how to use new technology.


第一个that 引导believe的宾语从句,第二个that引导make sure的宾语从句

It is +adj. + (for sb.) + to do sth. 做某事是非常重要的

have access to使用;接近;可以利用

2. 高频句式

1. make+宾语+宾补

There are countless articles telling us how the Internet has made our lives more convenient.


2. now that +句子

Now that he works and can take care of himself, his daughter has time to study at university.


3. suppose +句子

I suppose that would be good.

I suppose there would be some problems, too.


现在完成时的被动语态 have/has +been done

1. 语法含义:




2. 形式:

肯定式:主语+has/have+ been done

1). 这个数据库已经被更新过了。The database has been updated.

2). 这软件已经被下载过了。The software has been downloaded.

否定式:主语+ have/has been done

3). 博客还没有完成。The blog has not been finished.

一般疑问式:Have/Has + 主语+ been done?

    4). 你曾经受到过老师的鼓舞么?Have you been inspired by your teacher?

特殊疑问式:疑问词+have/has+ 主语+been done…?

5). 电池多久没有更换了? How long has the battery not been changed?

3. 辨析:


1). People’s lives has been changed(change)by online communities and social networks.


2). Since the 1970s, it has been used (use) in offices and homes.


3). The computer was bought (buy) my mother. 


4). The problem is being discussed (discuss) now. 



1). Much has been written(write) about the wonders of World Wide Web.


2). He has lived (live) here since he came here. 


3). But the Internet has done(do) much more for people than simply make life more convenient. 



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