

1.diverse  adj. 不同的;多种多样的

→ diversity n.  差异(性);不同点;多样性

(1)各种各样: a diversity of …


I understand every country has its own culture, values, and laws, and we should all respect the diversity.

2. fortune n. 机会,运气

(1)有幸做某事: have a good fortune to do sth

(2)碰运气: try one’s fortune

(3)发财: make a fortune

(4)外出寻找发财机会: seek one’s fortune


The discovery of gold in Australia led thousands to believe that a fortune was to be made.

→ fortunate adj. 幸运的,吉祥的

→ fortunately adv. 幸运地


-Have you heard about that fire in the market.


-Yes , fortunately no one was hurt.

3.admit vi/vt 承认 vt 准许进入

(1)某人被大学录取: admit sb to/into college

(2) 承认做错了某事: admit doing / having done sth wrong

(3)承认做某事: admit to doing sth.

(4)(向某人)承认admit(to sb ) that…

(5)承认某事: admit to sth

如果你离开俱乐部, 你将不会被允许回来。

If you leave the club, you will not be admitted back in.

→ admission 允许;入场费

4.definite adj. 明确的;肯定的

(1)明确的计划、结论: a definite plan/ conclusion

(2)给某人明确的答复: give sb a definite answer

(3)定个确切的日期;fix a definite date

(4)对……有把握: be definite about…

→ definitely adv.肯定;确实

→ indefinitely adv.不明确地

5.occur vi.发生;出现;被想到

(1)(注意或想法)被想到: sth occur to sb

(2)某人想到: It occurs to sb that

(3)某人想到某事: It occurs to sb to do sth


It never occurred to me that you could succeeded in persuading him to change his mind.

→ occurrence n 发生;发生的事情

6. selected adj. 挑选出来的

(1)被选拔做某事: be selected to do sth

(2)被 选作……: be selected as/to be

→ select vt.选择;挑选;选拔

(1)从……中选出:select from

Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is a difficult task because technology is changing so rapidly.

→ selection n选择,挑选;选集;精选品

7. claim vt/n. 夺取(生命);宣称;断言

(1)声称做某事: claim to do sth

(2)声称做过某事: claim to hve done sth

(3)要回某事: claim sth back

(4)索赔: make a claim

(5)有人声称……,据说……: it is claimed that

So far nobody has claimed the money back discovered in the library.

8.minority n. 少数民族;少数派;少数人

(1)少量。少数: a minority of

(2)……中的少数: the minority of

(3)占少数: in a/the minority


Only a small minority of people were in favor of the plan.

Less than 30 percent of the employees in the company are women. That is to say, women are in a/the minority( 占少数).

→ minor adj. 较小的

9. escape vi/vt.逃走;逃开;避开 vi/vt(气体、液体)漏出;被忘掉、被忽视。未被注意(不用于被动语态)n. 逃跑;逃脱;解脱

(1)从……逃跑、漏出: escape from

(2)逃到……: escape to…

(3)逃脱做某事: escape doing sth

(4)逃脱惩罚: escape punishment=escape being punished

(5)死里逃生: have a narrow escape


It was a prison from which no one escaped.


1.head to (朝……)前进:(向……)去

(1)朝……出发,动身: head for

(2)趋于: head down

(3)事先考虑、计划: think/plan ahead

(4)在……前面。早于: ahead of


They left everything before they headed to Egypt.

2. seek one’s fortune

(1)寻找,寻求: seek for

(2)征求意见、寻求帮助: seek advice/help

(3)设法做某事: seek to do sth

(4)挑选出。物色到: seek out

At last Joanna was so unhappy that she asked her father whether she might go out into the world and seek her fortune.

3.earn ones living 谋生

(1)谋生的其他表达:earn one’s bread  make one’s/ a living

He earned himself living by growing cash crops.

4.bring about- 引起:导致

(1)导致、引起的多种表达:result in / contribute to/ lead to

(2)bring 的其他短语:

1.养育,抚养,提出,呕吐: bring up

2.带回;使回忆起,恢复: bring back

3.降低,减少: bring down

4.将……提前,提出: bring forward

5.引入;赚的:bring in

6.使显现,使表现出: bring out


Some people fear that air pollution may bring about changes in the weather around the world.

5.apart from( especially /aside from )除了……外(还);此外

1.除了(不包括): apart from/except(for )

2.除了(还……)(包括)apart from/besides/in addition to

Apart from good service, the restaurant offers different kinds of traditional Fujian dishes.


1. It is likely that ……….很可能……



It is likely that Native Americans moved to California at least fifteen thousand years ago.


It is likely that Jacob will dislike the plan.

= Jacob is very likely to dislike the plan.

小结:it is likely/possible/probable that ….

It is possible for sb to do sth

Sb/sth is likely to do sth

Likely 的主语可以是人或物,也可以是形式主语it;而 possible probable 通常只能用it 作形式主语。

2. can’t wait to do sth

=can hardly wait to do sth


(1).The party was boring — we couldn’t wait to make our escape


忍不住做某事:can’t help doing sth

不能帮忙做某事: can’t help do sth

不得不做某事; can’t help but do sth

I can’t help admiring the picture whenever I look at it.

3.One of the +形容词最高级+可数名词复数+定语从句



Yunnan Province is definitely one of the most diverse provinces that I have ever been to.



One of the most exciting sights in Auckland that I have ever been to is the Sky Tower.


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