必修二 Unit 2 The Olympic Games (重点词汇)

1、take part in/join/join in/attend 参加


take part in 参加活动或会议

join 参加某种组织,成为其中一员

join(sb)in 和某人一起活动;陪某人做某事

attend 出席或参加某种会议

①Her brother joined the army three years ago.

②Will you join us in the game?

③Most of us take an active part in sports every day.

④There is an important meeting for me to attend/take part in.

⑤Will you join me in a drink?(陪我喝酒)

2、host vt. 做东;款待;主办;主持

host n. 男主持人;男主人;东道主

hostess n. 女主持人;女主人

①It is known that China will host the 2008 Olympic Games. It will be the host

country for the Olympic Games.


②I’ll host all of you this evening.


③As you know, they are all good hosts.


3、a set of/a suit of 一套

表示一套衣服时用a suit of或a set of,表示一套工具、一套家具、一套著作等时,

要用a set of。

①She went to the shop to buy a suit of clothes.

=She went to the shop to buy a set of clothes.


②This new pair has bought a dinner set and a set of bedroom furniture.


4、replace/take the place of/in place of/instead of 替代;取代

这些词语都有“替代”的意思,replace可以和take the place换用,而in place of

和instead of都是短语介词,不能单独作谓语。

①Can anything replace a mother’s love and care?

=Can anything take the place of a mother’s love and care?


②Mr. Smith is ill, so I have to work here in place of/instead of him.


③I usually go to school on foot instead of by bus.


此处的instead of不能用in place of替换。in place of后只能接名词和代词,而instead


5、relate … to 使有关 relate to 与……有关


①We should relate a result with(to)its cause.(vt.)


②This letter relates to our company.(vi.)

=This letter has relations with our company.



1)have something to do with

2)concern vt.

3)be concerned with sb. or sth.

4)be concerned with(to)

6、promise vt.&n. 答应;允诺

Mother promised me to buy a new bicycle.

=Mother promised that she would buy me a new bicycle.

=Mother made a promise that she would buy me a new bicycle.


Complete the short passage with proper words:

The 2008 Olympic Games will be held(举行)in China. It will be hosted(举办)

by Beijing. Our government and our people are getting ready/are preparing(准

备)for it. Many stadiums and gymnasiums are being built(正在建设)now. I’m

sure we will host(举办)Olympics successfully.


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