必修一 Unit 2 English around the world (语法:祈使句)


Not polite Polite Very polite
Open the window!

Turn off the TV!

Please open the window!

Please turn off the TV!

Would you please open the window?

Would you please turn off the TV?


①tell sb to do sth  告诉某人做某事

tell sb not to do sth  告诉某人不要做某事

tell sb never to do sth  告诉某人千万别做某事

②ask sb to do sth  请某人做某事

ask sb not to do sth  请某人不要做某事

ask sb never to do sth  请某人千万别做某事

③order/command sb to do sth  命令某人做某事


①“Look at the blackboard, boys!”said the teacher.

T:What did the teacher say?

S:The teacher told the boys to look at the blackboard.

②“Don’t throw the waste paper everywhere, children!”said the man.

T:What did the man say?

S:The man told the children not to throw the waste paper everywhere.

③“Stand in line, please!”She said to the guests.

T:What did she say to the guests?

S:She asked the guests to stand in line.

④“Never be late for class again, Li Dong.”Said Mr. Black

T:What did Mr. Black say to Li Dong?

S:Mr. Black told Li Dong never to be late for class again.

⑤“Put out the fire as soon as possible, young boys!”commanded the officer.

T:What did the officer commanded?

S:The officer commanded the young boys to put out the fire as soon as possible.


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